I found myself sitting in the stairwell of Landmark Baptist College. On a number of occassions, I would go up in the stairwell, study or just read my Bible. This particular night, my heart was heavy and I was crying. The semester was coming to a close and for some strange reason, I was not feeling like myself. I did not understand why.
The only comfort I was able to get, was to read Psalms. That night I read 24 Psalms, by the time I finished the twentiforth Psalm. I felt the presence of the Lord. It was just like he was sitting there with me, telling me everything was going to be just fine. I just needed to trust Him.
To this day, I do not understand why I was crying. But I came away from this experience knowing that God is so faithful, even when we do not understand.
This is my challenge to you. Trust God in your darkest hours. Trust Him when everything is going just fine, or when you are sitting in the stairwell of life, crying for reasons you cannot express. Do not turn away from these times of struggles and run from them. Embrace them and take them with the attitude that " I can do all things through Christ." He will give you the strength to work through every obsticle.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Why Do Christians Suffer? (Part 2)
This is a guest post, I wrote for my friend Heather's Blog Grow Up! You can check out her Blog Here She has been such a great friend, blessing and encouragement to me. Please keep Heather in your prayers. Thank you, God Bless! ~Julie
He was there sitting in front of my desk. On the outward appearance he looked calm and collected, but it was his eyes that told me a different story. I could see a sense of a struggle – the kind you see in someone who is on a bridge about to bungee jump. Their feet are firmly planted on the bridge, but they know the time is coming they will make the decision to jump or not.
Choosing my words carefully I started to ask him how he has been doing and other questions you ask a person when starting a conversation. He proceeded to answer my questions quickly and with short answers. I knew something was up, but I could not put my finger on what it was.
After my various questions, I looked him the eyes and said, “What’s going on?”
He looked at me, and I saw him struggle to hold back the tears. “I’ll just come right out and say it…” he said, “I’m struggling.” He then sighed and looked down.
You see, this young man has been active in our church for years. I’ve seen Him grow in the Lord and I’ve seen Him have a real desire to serve the Lord; but lately I have seen a difference in His life. Like many others, we start out with a real zeal for the Lord but then something happens. Well, not something, more like someone.
Can you can guess who that is? If you guessed the Devil, your right. It seems like every time someone gets saved they start to serve the Lord, but after a few years the newness of knowing the Lord sadly and wrongfully wears off. Why is this? It’s like once you get saved and start to serve the Lord, the devil draws a big target on your back. In many ways it says “Hit me with your best shot.” Some are ready for it; others are sadly not ready for the coming arrows. These arrows represent the pain and the suffering of the Christian. But one thing is without these arrows, God could not grow the Christian.
I would like to take this time to share with the next five reasons why Christians suffer.
The sixth reason is found in Hebrews 5:8.9 - it says that suffering produces obedience. I know we all do not like to suffer, but sometimes God brings suffering into our lives to bring us to obedience. I know this to be true. I have suffered, and then realize I am not doing what God wants me to do. Once I humble myself and yield to Him, He gives me such peace. I encourage you to just humbly ask the Lord to show you and give you strength to yield to Him.
The Seventh reason why Christians suffer is because God is chastening His children - according to Proverbs 119:67,71,75. God has to chasten His children sometimes because they are being disobedient. God causes them to suffer to bring them back into obedience. God is merciful, but there is a time where He needs to punish us.
The eighth reason we suffer as Christians is because God wants to humble us and to show His power through our lives. In I Peter 5:6,7, it is telling us to humble ourselves and rely on God. Many times when we are struggling we want to try and face it on our own. We want to be independent and think I can do this, but what we really should be saying is God can do this. In verse seven, it tells us that He cares for us. The devil will try to discourage you and say that God does not care, but He does.
The ninth reason can be found in John 9:2,3 – it tells us that God causes us to suffer to accomplish His purpose. God has a divine purpose for every person. He desires for those who are not saved to have a relationship with Him. He desires for the Christian to do His will. Sometimes we suffer because God’s is trying to teach us something, in order for us to accomplish something else for His purpose. When we struggle, it grows us when we get through it. God is the God of mountain tops, as well as the valleys – do not forget that.
The tenth and final reason God allows Christians to suffer is to perfect the future reward for the Christian. In Romans 8:18, it is telling us the things that we suffer with are nothing compared to the glory that is to come. This is saying that what you suffer might seem great and you cannot bear it, but the reward in the end is greater. I hope this encourages you to keep going when the suffering seems to hard to bear. Just keep going, give it to God, and He will get the glory in the end. Trust God!
I am praying this has been an encouragement to you – I know studying this has been a great encouragement to me personally. Friend, I know at times the world and your daily life may be difficult, but keep in mind that God is always and forever in control. Just don’t give up… He will see you through it all. Also, I would like to take a second a second and thank Heather for allowing me to post as a guest on her blog. I am very grateful for the opportunity and I hope and pray you will continue to visit and she can be an encouragement to you as she has been to me. Please keep her in your prayers! God Bless. Exodus 15:2
~ ~ ~ ~
He was there sitting in front of my desk. On the outward appearance he looked calm and collected, but it was his eyes that told me a different story. I could see a sense of a struggle – the kind you see in someone who is on a bridge about to bungee jump. Their feet are firmly planted on the bridge, but they know the time is coming they will make the decision to jump or not.
Choosing my words carefully I started to ask him how he has been doing and other questions you ask a person when starting a conversation. He proceeded to answer my questions quickly and with short answers. I knew something was up, but I could not put my finger on what it was.
After my various questions, I looked him the eyes and said, “What’s going on?”
He looked at me, and I saw him struggle to hold back the tears. “I’ll just come right out and say it…” he said, “I’m struggling.” He then sighed and looked down.
You see, this young man has been active in our church for years. I’ve seen Him grow in the Lord and I’ve seen Him have a real desire to serve the Lord; but lately I have seen a difference in His life. Like many others, we start out with a real zeal for the Lord but then something happens. Well, not something, more like someone.
Can you can guess who that is? If you guessed the Devil, your right. It seems like every time someone gets saved they start to serve the Lord, but after a few years the newness of knowing the Lord sadly and wrongfully wears off. Why is this? It’s like once you get saved and start to serve the Lord, the devil draws a big target on your back. In many ways it says “Hit me with your best shot.” Some are ready for it; others are sadly not ready for the coming arrows. These arrows represent the pain and the suffering of the Christian. But one thing is without these arrows, God could not grow the Christian.
I would like to take this time to share with the next five reasons why Christians suffer.
The sixth reason is found in Hebrews 5:8.9 - it says that suffering produces obedience. I know we all do not like to suffer, but sometimes God brings suffering into our lives to bring us to obedience. I know this to be true. I have suffered, and then realize I am not doing what God wants me to do. Once I humble myself and yield to Him, He gives me such peace. I encourage you to just humbly ask the Lord to show you and give you strength to yield to Him.
The Seventh reason why Christians suffer is because God is chastening His children - according to Proverbs 119:67,71,75. God has to chasten His children sometimes because they are being disobedient. God causes them to suffer to bring them back into obedience. God is merciful, but there is a time where He needs to punish us.
The eighth reason we suffer as Christians is because God wants to humble us and to show His power through our lives. In I Peter 5:6,7, it is telling us to humble ourselves and rely on God. Many times when we are struggling we want to try and face it on our own. We want to be independent and think I can do this, but what we really should be saying is God can do this. In verse seven, it tells us that He cares for us. The devil will try to discourage you and say that God does not care, but He does.
The ninth reason can be found in John 9:2,3 – it tells us that God causes us to suffer to accomplish His purpose. God has a divine purpose for every person. He desires for those who are not saved to have a relationship with Him. He desires for the Christian to do His will. Sometimes we suffer because God’s is trying to teach us something, in order for us to accomplish something else for His purpose. When we struggle, it grows us when we get through it. God is the God of mountain tops, as well as the valleys – do not forget that.
The tenth and final reason God allows Christians to suffer is to perfect the future reward for the Christian. In Romans 8:18, it is telling us the things that we suffer with are nothing compared to the glory that is to come. This is saying that what you suffer might seem great and you cannot bear it, but the reward in the end is greater. I hope this encourages you to keep going when the suffering seems to hard to bear. Just keep going, give it to God, and He will get the glory in the end. Trust God!
I am praying this has been an encouragement to you – I know studying this has been a great encouragement to me personally. Friend, I know at times the world and your daily life may be difficult, but keep in mind that God is always and forever in control. Just don’t give up… He will see you through it all. Also, I would like to take a second a second and thank Heather for allowing me to post as a guest on her blog. I am very grateful for the opportunity and I hope and pray you will continue to visit and she can be an encouragement to you as she has been to me. Please keep her in your prayers! God Bless. Exodus 15:2
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Why Do Christians Suffer? (Part 1)
This is a guest post, that I wrote for my friend Heather's blog Grow Up! You can check out her Blog Here. She has been such a great friend, blessing and encouragement to me. Please keep Heather in your prayers. Thank you, God Bless! ~Julie
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She was sitting on the park bench, her head in her hands, and she was sobbing. I saw her right a way. I was not sure what I should do – should I approach her or just continue walking?…seeing I was already late for my next class. Conviction set in and a small, still voice told me I should talk to her.
“Okay Lord, whatever you want me to do.”
I quickly made my way over and plopped down beside her. “Hey, are you ok?”
At first there was no response. She then sniffled and took a tissue out of her pocket and blew her nose. She looked up and then said, “I am fine.”
I was less than convince… I then decided I would sit there and wait a minute. I knew she would talk eventually.
Two minutes later she said, “I just do not understand, I am living right, going to church, I am in Bible College, reading my Bible, and I am praying.” Sobbing a little, she continued: “I just do not know why I am struggling so much. I have a payment due on my school bill, my friends are mad at me, and I did not do well on my tests. I just don’t get why I am suffering so much. I am doing right.”
Not knowing what I should say, I said a silent prayer, “Lord, give me the words to say, and speak through me.” I looked at her with concern and understanding in my eyes. I said, “I do not know why you are suffering, only God knows, but one thing I know is God allows things in our lives for a reason.” I then proceeded to pull out my Bible…
Just like the girl who was crying on that park bench, we all have been there at one point in our lives. We always ask the same question: why do I have to deal with this? Is there really a reason, or is God just punishing me?
Well, my friend, I would like to share with you 10 reasons why Christians suffer. This will be a two-part post, be sure to check out tomorrow’s post!
The first reason we suffer is because of the curse of Sin. In Genesis 3:17-19, it is showing when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden. Because of their sin in the garden, sin would pass on to generations to come. It is because of the ever-presence of sin in our lives that causes us to suffer. Suffering is the result of it.
Secondly, according to Galatians 6:7,8 we also suffer because of sowing and reaping. Every day we sin — in fact, I read recently that the average person sins five times a day. When I read this it surprised me. I thought I was doing pretty good, but in reality if I was honest with myself I would realize I am not. Of course, most people do not sin on purpose. I do not think there is a person who wakes up in the morning and thinks, “Hey I am going to lie to my parents, take the Lord’s name in vain, or forget to read my Bible and do something else.” But it is because of the sin we daily do which causes us to suffer.
Thirdly, God is testing our faith. According to James 1:2,3, the Lord bring things our ways for the reason to have us trust Him more. There have been times when I do not put my trust in Him. I try to do things in my own strength, but this is the wrong thing to do. God wants us to give Him our burdens and rely on Him and put all our faith in Him.
Fourthly, God can use these hard times for good. In II Corinthians 1:3,4 speaks of using our experience with troubles to encourage and help others. I have been in countless situations where the Lord has allowed me to be an encouragement to a brother or sister in Christ. Just keep in mind, God can use you to help another person because of this – It will allow you to be used of God.
Fifthly, the Bible says in Romans 5:3-5, that suffering brings us closer to the Lord. When we suffer we shouldn’t shy away from God or run from Him because of our pain or struggles. We should do the opposite — we should run to Him! If we run to God and lay our burdens on Him we can then refocus and, in my personal experience, it awakens a new eagerness to serve the Lord.
To be continued…
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She was sitting on the park bench, her head in her hands, and she was sobbing. I saw her right a way. I was not sure what I should do – should I approach her or just continue walking?…seeing I was already late for my next class. Conviction set in and a small, still voice told me I should talk to her.
“Okay Lord, whatever you want me to do.”
I quickly made my way over and plopped down beside her. “Hey, are you ok?”
At first there was no response. She then sniffled and took a tissue out of her pocket and blew her nose. She looked up and then said, “I am fine.”
I was less than convince… I then decided I would sit there and wait a minute. I knew she would talk eventually.
Two minutes later she said, “I just do not understand, I am living right, going to church, I am in Bible College, reading my Bible, and I am praying.” Sobbing a little, she continued: “I just do not know why I am struggling so much. I have a payment due on my school bill, my friends are mad at me, and I did not do well on my tests. I just don’t get why I am suffering so much. I am doing right.”
Not knowing what I should say, I said a silent prayer, “Lord, give me the words to say, and speak through me.” I looked at her with concern and understanding in my eyes. I said, “I do not know why you are suffering, only God knows, but one thing I know is God allows things in our lives for a reason.” I then proceeded to pull out my Bible…
Just like the girl who was crying on that park bench, we all have been there at one point in our lives. We always ask the same question: why do I have to deal with this? Is there really a reason, or is God just punishing me?
Well, my friend, I would like to share with you 10 reasons why Christians suffer. This will be a two-part post, be sure to check out tomorrow’s post!
The first reason we suffer is because of the curse of Sin. In Genesis 3:17-19, it is showing when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden. Because of their sin in the garden, sin would pass on to generations to come. It is because of the ever-presence of sin in our lives that causes us to suffer. Suffering is the result of it.
Secondly, according to Galatians 6:7,8 we also suffer because of sowing and reaping. Every day we sin — in fact, I read recently that the average person sins five times a day. When I read this it surprised me. I thought I was doing pretty good, but in reality if I was honest with myself I would realize I am not. Of course, most people do not sin on purpose. I do not think there is a person who wakes up in the morning and thinks, “Hey I am going to lie to my parents, take the Lord’s name in vain, or forget to read my Bible and do something else.” But it is because of the sin we daily do which causes us to suffer.
Thirdly, God is testing our faith. According to James 1:2,3, the Lord bring things our ways for the reason to have us trust Him more. There have been times when I do not put my trust in Him. I try to do things in my own strength, but this is the wrong thing to do. God wants us to give Him our burdens and rely on Him and put all our faith in Him.
Fourthly, God can use these hard times for good. In II Corinthians 1:3,4 speaks of using our experience with troubles to encourage and help others. I have been in countless situations where the Lord has allowed me to be an encouragement to a brother or sister in Christ. Just keep in mind, God can use you to help another person because of this – It will allow you to be used of God.
Fifthly, the Bible says in Romans 5:3-5, that suffering brings us closer to the Lord. When we suffer we shouldn’t shy away from God or run from Him because of our pain or struggles. We should do the opposite — we should run to Him! If we run to God and lay our burdens on Him we can then refocus and, in my personal experience, it awakens a new eagerness to serve the Lord.
To be continued…
~ ~ ~ ~
Sunday, March 27, 2011
The Dream
The Dream
There I was, somewhere in between reality and sleep. I find myself there. At this moment, I cannot distinguish the things around me. I am disoriented, but my mind and senses are working. I can move my legs and arms, nothing is confining me or in my extended reach. I am moving, but not by the means of myself. There is a simple force pulling me further and further into the darkness.
I do not realize the time or for how long I have been moving, but something has just changed. I can feel it inside me. An eeriness washes over me and the uneasiness takes present inside me. “Where am I?” I begin to questions myself. As questions flood my mind, goosebumps begin to arise and my sense are alert and working. Then it hits me. I feel something, what is it? It is heat, I feel the heaviness of the air around me. The smoke begins to burn my throat, the air is so heavy, I can feel the pain and sorrow in this place. Then, I hear it, the sound piercing my ear. I hear their screams.
Close and closer I am being pressed forward. What is drawing me forward. There is a part of me that wants to turn back and never return this place, but another part of me is pulling me forward into the darkness. Wait. The sound is coming from below me, I am above them, the ones crying out. Though I cannot see them, I hear them. Another wave of heat hits me like an explosion. I hear the screams and gnashing of their teeth. I then cover my ears, but I cannot block out the sound of their crying.
What is this place? As soon as I ask myself this question, it hits me. Everything I have ever learned and heard about and read in the Bible floods my mind. Hell. A real burning Hell. I am here, but physically, but spiritually. I am not consumed, nor being harmed by the blackened flames. I am merely above it. “Why am I here?”
I hear something. Something so frightening, it causes my skin to curl. I hear it again. Someone is saying my name. As this one begins to continually call my name, another voice joins the other. As second progressed, more of them were crying out my name. They were crying out, “WHYYYY! Why did you not tell us, Why did you let me walk by, Why did you not share what you knew!? WHYY!”
I can barely contain myself, I knew them, seen them, talked to them, passed by them, but I never told them what I knew. Now they were in this place burning and crying out. They had no hope, no one to rescue them, not even me. I began to try and reach them and pull them out. I used all my strength from within me. Something stronger than me held me where I was. Exhausted, I relaxed above them.
Then in the distance I saw it gleaming bright. A cross. I began to weep. I never told those people who cried my name of the man who was once slain. Why was I so scare to tell them? Was it rejection, the fear of being mocked, the slam of a door, or my foolish pride? I was so stupid, if only I had another chance to share the gospel with them or others.
As I made my way toward a different light beckoning me rather quickly. Their cries were becoming fainter as I progressed away. But a new goal was building inside me. A goal to reach the one I could and tell them of a place called Hell and a place called Heaven. I would tell them how they could go there and not to the everlasting Hell. The real ever existing place I just had witnessed.
Then I awoke, covered in sweat, tears stained on my cheeks and a burning desire rekindled inside of me To care. To Dare. To Share.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Faith what is faith? This is the question I have been asking myself, and unfortunately the biggest thing I am struggling with at this very moment. Prayerfully, I hope everyone wants to do God's will. I know I do, but lately I have been struggling giving the Lord something. And boy am I ever wrong.
I am scared of the outcome. The thought of what God's will might be has been ever so weighing on my shoulders...
I wrote this a couple of weeks ago, I decided to just give it to the Lord because ultimately God knows what is best and I don't. I have my whole life in front of me, why throw away doing God's will and end up down a path of sorrow, pain and a life worth not living. I decided to choose the high road and just trust God.
I have come to the conclussion that faith, is simply trusting God with everything: My life, my school work, my likes, my dislikes, my passions, my fervant desires... Faith is learning to trust God on your own. Faith is falling and trusting that someone or something is going to catch you. Faith is something you just dont stumble upon, but you grasp it. Faith is like driving on a bridge and believe it wont crumble. Faith is like oxygen, we trust it to always be there, but we cannot see it. Just like God, we trust He is there, but we cannot see Him.
I am scared of the outcome. The thought of what God's will might be has been ever so weighing on my shoulders...
I wrote this a couple of weeks ago, I decided to just give it to the Lord because ultimately God knows what is best and I don't. I have my whole life in front of me, why throw away doing God's will and end up down a path of sorrow, pain and a life worth not living. I decided to choose the high road and just trust God.
I have come to the conclussion that faith, is simply trusting God with everything: My life, my school work, my likes, my dislikes, my passions, my fervant desires... Faith is learning to trust God on your own. Faith is falling and trusting that someone or something is going to catch you. Faith is something you just dont stumble upon, but you grasp it. Faith is like driving on a bridge and believe it wont crumble. Faith is like oxygen, we trust it to always be there, but we cannot see it. Just like God, we trust He is there, but we cannot see Him.
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1
Saturday, February 12, 2011
The Times I Stare at the Ceiling and Think.
It's 2:00 a.m. It's late (or early) and I am wide awake, thinking. I am thinking of all the things I have done, and the way I should of done things differently in my life. I look back with shame, repentance and to some of the memories with happiness. But the ones that I see so vividly in my mind, the ones that plague me the most, are my faults. I see my failures, my trouble, and my consistent struggles. Oh how wrong I am when I think I am doing just fine, or when I try to do things in my one strength. Why is it at times I forget I am accountable for my actions, is it life, or is it sadly myself. In my heart though, I know it is myself. I cannot blame anyone, but me. I am accountable for me, not the world. I guess what I am trying to say is I am humbled. I do not deserve God's love. I do not deserve His forgiveness, mercy or grace. I do not think I can even fully grasp why God loves me so much. Even when He knows I am going to fail and I am going to struggle. Why is it as I sit here thinking, I feel loved, yet unworthy?
If I wrote everything I have ever said, thought, or even done. I find myself ashamed. Yes, I can see the times were things are right in the sight of the Lord, but the one thing I cannot shake, is the wrong. Is it the devil trying to discourage me? I do not know, but I am not worried about being discouraged. I find myself encouraged, not discouraged. It is times like these I am reminded of the love, mercy and grace the Lord has bestowed on someone like me. It makes me want to strive to be a better Christian, to keep going, and not constantly fail Him. I know I am not perfect, but it doesn't mean I cannot give Him my very best! It's time for me to leave the 211 zone and strive for the 212 daily as I always should.
I find myself in the midst of thoughts,
They cloud my mind of everything,
I see my struggles, my failures and my doubts,
The times I was happy and times I was sad,
Along with these, I see a glimmer,
A glimmer of hope, and grace,
Why is it through all circumstances,
I always see the Light,
It is not dim, nor is it hid.
I can always find it, if I truly look.
At times I want to ignore it,
I hide myself from its knowing glare,
but it never leaves me, nor forsakes.
It is constant, in everything.
Why do I try to hide?
I am ashamed, and unworthy.
How could this Light, the Lord, love me,
How could He care for me,
I am sinful, and foolish
Yet, He loves and cares for me.
Though I cannot grasp it, nor understand,
He does, it is that simple.
He just wants me to trust and rely on Him alone.
(c) Julie 2011
(c) Julie 2011
Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.
Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
(Philippians 3:12-14)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Repost: He Is There
I just recently bought a CD entitled "Through the Storm" by the Hooker Family. And let me just say this, the second I saw the title, I thought to myself. "I wonder if there is something in here that would be a blessing and encouragement to me.". I bought it and borrowed my friends computer so I could listen to it. By the time I finished listening to the 3rd song on the CD, I was crying. Why? Well, these past couple of weeks have been a little hard and stressful. Turning eighteen, my brother's wedding, and now College. I have had a lot on my plate and a lot consuming my mind. My life seems to be moving so fast and I am having a hard time keeping He Is There- The Hooker Familyup, but you know what. God has made Himself ever so apparent every single time I have been going through everything. Often times when we are going through something we wonder why we have to experience it or that it isn't fair. The way I try my best to look at it is this. God is trying me for a reason, He has a plan for my life and we have to go through things because he is making and molding me for something He has desired for me to do in the future. And the only thing God asks of me, is to cling to Him and to rely only on Him- for courage, for strength, To go to Him with every need or concern. I know God is there and I will make it though anything that this world throws at me. I will be a crusader of the cross. I won't back down. If I fall, I will get back up and charge the mountain.
Many of you probably know the story of William Borden writing the famous words, No Reserves. No Retreats. No Regrets. In the back of his Bible. If you do not know this story I would like to share it with you.
To be able to write in my Bible, “ No Reserves, No Retreats. No Regrets” is my desire. And I know God does give us things for a reason. And through it all God can and will be glorified and with Him by my side I will be the victor over anything that I face. One verse that is a reminder that God is always there is in Isaiah 43:2-3
“When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee; when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame be kindle upon thee. For I am the Lord thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour. I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee.”
And I guess I am writing this too you my friends so that you know No matter what you are going though He is still there and He will never leave you! So run the race, Keep going strong and don't look back. Be able to write No Reserves. No Regrets. No Retreats. In your Bible.
He Is There by Amber Guzzi
When the trials you face
turn into your darkest night
And you're hoping in some way
The darkness will turn to light,
And you feel all alone,
And there's no one there with you,
Never fear, my God is holding you.
He is there to comfort you
When you feel your world is shifting.
He is there to hold you
When everything is changing
My Lord's still there.
Some days I was so lost
I just couldn't see Him.
There were moments I felt
My heart would just five in,
But when you're through tryin'
And there's nothing left to do
Never fear, my God is holding you.
He is there to comfort you
When you feel your world is shifting.
He is there to hold you
When everything is changing
My Lord's still there.
I hope this was an encouragement to you. If you ever need to talk or you need me to pray for you! I am only just a message, text or phone call away! :) Praying for you all!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Preparation for Walking Worthy part 2: Separation
The next step in preparation to walk worthy, is separation. There is no way we can walk worthy for the King if we are following man and the way of the world. God tells us multiple time that we are to be separate.
Romans 12:2 - "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable. And perfect will of God."
2 Timothy 2:4 - "No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier."
John 2:15 - "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."
The Bible clearly tells us that we are to be separate. This is where I personally and other Christians tend to struggle the most. The LORD knows we have a sinful nature and we will have desire for the things of this world. But God has warned us and commanded us to take our desire for the world and turn them to Him. I know it is hard, but we need to strive to have some sort of detachment from it.
Once we are able to separate ourselves from “worldly lusts” God can use us for His will! This is the key to living a Godly life. We need not to delight in worldly pleasure, but devote ourselves to pursuing the Lord’s spiritual goal for our self.
The way I talk, Is it pleasing to the Lord? Is it edifying? Is it helpful? Is it true? As women, we all know we have the tendency to talk, maybe a wittle too much. That is normal and frankly half of us can't help it, but ladies and maybe gentlemen. We need to be careful how to talk and the way we communicate things.
Proverbs 10:11 - "The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked."
The way I act, Is it pleasing to the Lord? The question my mother so rightfully imposed to me growing up was this and it got me thinking. Would Mrs. Brown (my Pastor's wife) do that? Ohhh how I dreaded hearing those words as a child, but it instilled in me to examine my actions and watch myself in every aspect.
1 Peter 5:8 - "Be sober, be vigilant; because you adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:"
The way I dress, Is it pleasing to the Lord? Is it honoring Him? Can people see Christ in me? I will not elaborate much about this right now, but trust me I plan to in the future. But as Young Ladies and woman, we need to be careful how we dress. The way we dress does affect the way people will look to the Lord. People will either see Christ in you or just think you are just another person in this sinful world. Which would you rather have them see?
1 Timothy 2:9 - “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel..."
The ways we live, Is it pleasing to the Lord? Is it honoring Him? Are you serving Him? Are you yielding to Him? Are you surrendered? This is the BIG one. The way you live is your personal testimony, the way you live is maybe the only example people see Christ in. So be careful, make sure everything you are doing is bringing honor and glory to the Lord.
Proverbs 12:28 - "In the way of righteousness is life; and in the pathway thereof there is no death."
In conclusion, I encourage you to examine yourself and pray and ask the Lord to show you any areas where He feels you are not separate from the world in. I am praying for you too. God bless.
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