I am still learning too, I am reminded of that daily. God always seems to show me something that I need to work on personally. I do not think any person can say honestly and 100% truthfully, there is no aspect in their spiritual walk that does not need improvement. I know there have been times, I would think there is nothing I need to work on personally and I was doing pretty good. Oh how wrong I am, when I think like that. Whenever I do think that, the Lord is quickly there reminding me almost instantly, your struggling here, you need to grow here, or you need to give me more in this area. The list is endless, but it is life. No one is spiritually perfect. Even the greatest preacher, witness or servant of Christ is not fully and completely in the spiritual state of perfection. It is impossible, but it is our job to strive to be like Christ. That needs to be our goal in all our aspirations and lives. We need to be completely sold out and willing to improve in every area of our lives. No matter how secure we think we are. We can always pray more and read our Bible more. Can you imagine what could be accomplished if you just add 5 minutes to your prayer life or reading your Bible 5 extra minutes. The possibilities are endless. We need to learn to die to self daily. I know it is so hard, but God can use us more if we do so.
The Dean of Students at Landmark preached a message encouraging us to go above and beyond our expectations and be more than normal for serving God. He used this illustration and I would like to share it with you and maybe it will open your eyes the way it did mine.

The Lord has shown me some areas this past week where I need to work on spiritually and in my daily life. It is always humbling to know, I am not perfect. So readers, I guess this is my whole point in this post. I am not perfect, I still need improving and I am learning to Walk Worthy too. I am no expert, I am not a professional. I am just a freshman in college striving to do God's will and trying to live according how I should. I am getting as much out of this as you are (I hope) and I am learning too. I hope you will continue to run this race with me, and we can honor the King with our lives.
Hebrew 12:1-2 - Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
- Break is finally here. I plan on posting Preparation for Walking Worthy Part 2, soon. I am have been working on it whenever I have time. Please keep checking in. :) God Bless!